Seven useful functions that NFTBomb can help you to make your own Metaverse

2 min readJan 6, 2022

NFTBomb has successively launched several protocol ecosystems, and determined to be the Ethereum of the NFT world.

Here are the seven useful functions that NFTBomb can help you to make your own Metaverse.

  1. Creating NFT

Support 721 and 1155 protocols, users can carry out single casting and batch casting, with low threshold and high efficiency.



NFTBomb can help the project to achieve the initial NFT issuance.

3. Initiate the blind box protocol

Users are able to put NFT in the blind box for sale, and can cooperate with more than eight project parties in one blind box activity.

4. Initiate a blind box external bonus pool protocol

The Blind Box sells NFTs of different sequences (721 protocol, each NFT is unique). Each sequence combination can collide with different results (get awards), and all data is available on the chain. After the initiator injects the bonus into the prize pool, all of the rewards will be received by winner immediately.

5. Initiate NFT mining protocol

Promoters will pay mineral bonuses, while for specific NFTs, users will participate in staking and obtain benefits.

6. Initiate NFT snatch (fission) agreement

Complete the invitation task, get a specific NFT, users pledge the NFT, and get staking income.

This is a decentralized virus fission method that quickly acquires a large number of users for the project party. According to actual case analysis, 3,000 valid users (actual valid wallet addresses) can be obtained within 24 hours.

Initiate BOOM protocol

7. Initiate BOOM protocol

The BOOM protocol allows the project party to initiate a BOOM pool and inject bonuses. All users who hold NFT assets can use their existing NFT assets to collide with random numbers on the chain and win the prize pool according to the rules. This is FOMO3D in the NFT field!




NFTBomb- the first NFT protocol ecological project.